Everything you need to know about The Freedom Giver.

The setting is a clean London back street on a sunny day. A brick warehouse to the left a new build white cement and glass office block to the right. The paving is pale grey brick. Janine is a white woman with shoulder length mid-blonde hair. She wears a white t-shirt with 'good times' written on it. Blue jeans and white trainers. She's walking towards the camera with her arms stretched out and she’s smiling widely.

The Freedom Giver is my hybrid programme for coach-shaped-people who want to earn more from their high-touch services without slogging their guts out.

(By high-touch I mean working one-to-one or in small group programmes with clients rather than massive memberships or DIY courses.)

But is The Freedom Giver right for you? 

Whether you’re a coach-shaped-person wanting to find out more or a competitor wanting to compare your own services — welcome!

The aim of this blog is simple- to answer as many questions that you might have about The Freedom Giver programme as possible. If there are any unanswered questions do drop me an email at [email protected]

Let’s start with the obvious one:

How much does The Freedom Giver cost?

This is THE question people want an answer to so instead of burying it at the bottom (like on The Freedom Giver sales page 😜) I thought I’d stick it right at the top! 

It’s £2700 in total for the whole six months or £450 per month.

I know investing this kind of money can feel a bit hairy, but I also know that people who are committed and work with me longer get better results.

So, I ask you to go all in with working with me 3 months and then you can ‘love it or leave it’. If you don’t love it, you can leave it!

**Side note: I would just like to state for the record that writing the price without explaining the value first is EXTREMELY PAINFUL. I hope you appreciate this selflessness by reading the rest of the blog.**

Why did I create The Freedom Giver?

The Freedom Giver is the culmination of my whole career in offer creation in big corporates, my years of helping coaches, mentors and consultants with their offers, sales and marketing plus my own trial-and-lots-of-error experiences of setting up and running my own business. 

When I first left corporate and set up my own business, it was as if someone had erased all my training and experience. 

I’d been neuralized Men In Black style.

I scrabbled about trying to get visible and consistent on all the social media channels like you’re told to — mistakenly believing that, since I was in marketing, people would want to see me everywhere. Yoiks.

It took me an embarrassingly long time to realise that the reason I wasn’t getting any sales was because…

…I hadn’t put any offers out there!

In other words, I wasn’t clear on who I was helping, how I was helping them and crucially…

I wasn’t offering it to anyone!

Ha! What a numpty.

Once I’d awaken from my Snow White-like slumber it all started falling into place.

And I realised that I wanted to help people who were going through what I went through- trying to untangle why leads weren’t flowing and why they’re not attracting enough of the right types of clients.

Which neatly leads me onto my next section…

Who’s it for?

I’ve specifically designed The Freedom Giver process for coach-shaped-people who want to earn more from their high-touch work without slogging their guts out.

Key indicators to know if it’d work for you:

  • You’re a coach, consultant, mentor or strategist or a mixture of those things
  • You’ve got a website with some level of branding that feels like ‘you’ or you’re on the verge of rebranding to achieve this
  • You’ve got a favourite social media platform (bonus points if that platform is LinkedIn)
  • You’ve got an email list (no matter what size it is) and/ or a thriving network of people who know who you are
  • You earn most of your money from working on a one-to-one basis with clients and/ or small group programmes
  • You’re not interested in scaling a membership or launching loads of DIY courses at the moment
  • You LOVE your work and you’re ruddy good at it!

I want to help you if you’ve been round the block a bit. Long enough to know that it should be easier than this by now. 

What I love about working with coaching-type-people is that you’re more like to have a growth mindset about your business, be ready to go outside your comfort zone and understand that making a go of your business isn’t a one-week-DIY-course kind of thing.  

My aim is for The Freedom Giver to be THE place to be for seasoned, fun-loving coaches who want to up their impact and their income.

Everyone and their dog seem to be pushing other business models; memberships, big group programmes, courses, but it’s extremely hard to make a go of any of those things if you haven’t yet made your core high-touch services work for you first.

Who’s it NOT for?


Pivoting is a very special set of circumstances- There are so many moving parts!

What do I mean by pivoting? You’re changing from one type of business to another. For example you’ve been running a project management business for 20 years and have recently retrained as a coach.

Or a more subtle example; you’ve been coaching stressed out doctors for 10 years, but now you want to target c-suite executives of blue chip companies. (Actually, I could help with that but you’d be a better fit for my World Domination package instead.)

So- a word of warning; pivoting your business brings MAJOR mindset gremlins to the surface and I’ve seen so many people pivot and then change their mind and either pivot back, pivot again or close their business entirely. I don’t want to sell something to someone that you’re not going to get the benefit from.

Basically, it’s not what The Freedom Giver was designed for.


I love freelancers and have worked with loads in the past! It was a real passion of mine for a while to help them charge more by packaging up their services rather than selling by the hour.

But I have never freelanced.

Ok, I did it for about six months, 10 years ago.

Never again.

It’s just not my world.

Whereas my world for the last 7 years has been selling my own high-ticket, high-touch services where I am dedicated to getting my clients the best results possible- with them doing the work for themselves.

So that’s what I enjoy helping my clients to crack.

Very newly qualified coaches and people who are brand new to business

Newbies are tricky to get big results for for the same reason as pivoters- they have a tendency to change their minds as to what work they’re doing and who they’re doing it for.

And, more to the point, they haven’t got an audience to sell to yet.

It’s really hard to get that revenue rolling in when nobody has a scooby doo who you are.

Add to that the fact that you haven’t worked with enough people for my Client Cloner methodology to work- it’s just not my cup of tea.

If you are new to coaching I can refer you to a couple of friends of mine though. Check out Lauren Leopold or Joanna Lott

How does it work?

The Freedom Giver has three main strands to how I’ll support you:

  • Online tutorials
  • Feedback on your homework and key pieces of copy from me either using shared Google docs or voice and text messages on Voxer.
  • 45 minute one-to-one calls with me when you need them

There is a self-paced curriculum of modules that takes you through the three key things I want to work with you on:

  1. Your offer
  2. Your lead generation and sales
  3. Your visibility

The way it works is that, once I’ve onboarded you, you get access to the online curriculum. You get stuck in and start working through the modules, submitting your work to me as you go along so I can make sure you’re not going off on a tangent and that you’ve got crystal clarity on the direction you’re going in.

If you feel stuck at any point or I think you need extra help, we’ll arrange a one-to-one call. You can have as many one-to-one calls as you need! But in reality you’ll have plenty to be sinking your teeth into with the set exercises and the feedback I’ll be giving you. It’s unlikely we’ll need more than one or two calls a month.

What’s covered in The Freedom Giver?

The essence of The Freedom Giver is very simple.

  • We take your main one-to-one service or small group programme (the one you love the most, helps your clients the most and earns you the most money.)
  • We perfect it so that your ideal clients can see why they should buy it NOW.
  • And we market it together.

The backbone of the programme is my Sizzling Hot Offer Creation (SHOC) process.

  1. The Client Cloner
  2. My 3 P’s of a no-brainer offer
  3. The Moving House concept
  4. The Sales Catalyst
  5. You-shaped visibility

How long does it take to get results? 

This is so tricky to say but I wanted to put it in here because I know it’s what I’d want to know if I were considering a programme like this! 

You should see tangible results within 4-6 weeks of starting. If you’re able to get really stuck in with the curriculum, we’ll have got to grips with where the gaps are in your process by then, and to have started plugging those holes.

Why is The Freedom Giver 6 months long then?!

Because I’m not a magician.

How long have you been working on your business so far? Trying to get flowing leads? Building an audience? Raising your presence online? Perfecting your messaging? Networking? Posting? Emailing? Perhaps even working with other coaches and marketing experts?

You get the picture- it has taken you years to get where you are and it’d be impossible to make all your dreams come true in just a few weeks.

That said, I did once have a client who thought she had a problem with her messaging despite having built up an audience of avid fans.

One look and I could tell that her problem was actually that she just wasn’t putting out any offers.

Once she did, she was deluged!

It can happen.

But generally the story is that people come to me thinking wondering what they’re missing and it turns out to be a few different things and that takes a while to rectify.

The other point is that The Freedom Giver includes a lot of stuff.

I don’t want to just help you with your offer and then off you go. I used to do that and it was really frustrating! Clients didn’t know how to translate their new offering into content marketing and sales messages. What was obvious to me was a mystery to them, so now I support you to make sure your implementation goes smoothly too. Right through to content creation, lead generation and sales.

So I’ve included full implementation support in The Freedom Giver to makes sure these beauties don’t just sit on your shelf. I want them out there helping people and bringing you the money that you wanted to earn when you first set up your business!

What next?

If your head is nodding at this point and you’ve got a wry smile of recognition at what I cover in The Freedom Giver, either check out the sales page here or go ahead and fill in the application form here.

After you’ve filled out the application form, if you’re a good fit we can set up a call to make sure we’d be a good fit and to answer any questions you have. And if you’re not a good fit, I’ll let you know and suggest some other avenues you could explore.