“I can see what I’ve been missing now!”
Kate, Leadership Coach

“I can see what I’ve been missing now!”
If ’yes’, you are definitely in the right place – so take a pew and let’s have a chat.
Let me guess, you decided to become a coach and when you started getting transformational results for clients, you thought it should all click into place? But it hasn’t.
Now you can’t swing a cat without hitting a coach. #AllTheCompetition.
And people asking what your USP is makes you vom a little bit in your mouth. How do you even answer that question?!
Were you encouraged to be yourself when you were a child? I wasn’t. I don’t think many people were in the 80’s. (Or now..?)
The amount of times I got told ‘Janine, stop showing off!’ I got the message that being 100% myself was not acceptable.
My teens and twenties passed in a blur of following the path I thought I should follow — ‘A’ Levels. University. Marketing job in a big corporate. I thought I was doing pretty well for myself!
But I wasn’t really being me.
How can you be happy when you’re not being yourself? (You can’t.)
And then in my 40s I got a coach.
Over the years I’ve been privileged to be coached by all sorts of different coaches.
The result? I feel like I’ve got back to the me I was in primary school. When I felt like I could take on the world and being me was just the best thing ever!
Being coached was the road back to being me again.
And that’s one of the reasons I love working with coaches the absolute most. ❤️
I know how much good you’re doing in the world.
And the more clients you work with, the better the world will be.
The International Federation of Coaches (ICF) trains coaches to be totally client focused. To not impart anything of themselves into the coaching conversation.
This is all very wonderful. But you can’t coach knowledge and most of my clients have some insights and recommendations to share.
So my clients tend to be a coach with a dollop of consulting or mentoring stirred into the mix.
I’m a consultant with a heavy splash of coach and mentor sprinkles!
Coach-shaped-person is the best term I could think of that covers people who don’t sit well with the word ‘coach’ and those that do.
Are you a coach-shaped-person?
I’m going to come right out and say it; I am sh*t hot at helping coaches with their offers.
Offers= the positioning of what you do, the messaging you use, how you package up your methods and what price to put on it.
This foundational work makes EVERYTHING else easier.
How do people know that you’re who they need? That’s the work I love the most.
I have a business degree, a post-grad diploma from the Chartered Institute of Marketing and 15 yrs + working with brands such as EE, Orange and Europcar on proposition development (AKA offers).
I am the #CoachingOffersQueen. 👑
I’m mum to two frustratingly blonde and blue-eyed offspring and wife to someone who is exactly the same height as me (5’2”). Yes, we live in Hobbiton.
I believe it’s crucial to use your business to allow you to do what you love in life. Otherwise, what’s the point of it all?
I am a huge comedy fan and dabble with comedy writing and performance.
The principles around comedy haven’t changed since forever, and it’s the same with sales and marketing.
The fundamentals are simpler than they appear. Get them right and everything else falls into place.
I adore singing and was in a choir until the pandemic. I even used to have my own covers band.
My kids just LOVE to hear me belt out Kate Bush along with the radio when quite frankly it’s out of my range. But it’s Kate, right?? Gotta be done.