Offer Positioning Intensive.

Clear on your client but not on exactly what to offer them that really makes the value clear?

Let's get that sorted!

Does this sound familiar?

On the Offer Positioning Intensive, I help you get you clear on a service offer that’ll bring you the most revenue and the most enjoyment to deliver. And that’ll be the easiest to sell.

Let me guide you through the three stages of compelling offer creation:

Stage 1


After getting crystal clear on who you’re aiming this fab offer at, we get to grips with what they WANT. This means people will be clamouring for it before it’s even been launched.

Stage 2


That process of yours? We’re going to list it out and buff it up so that it shows the full value of the service you’re offering.

Stage 3


This bit is a doddle once we’ve got to grips with the mountains of value you’re delivering your clients. Promise!

Plus, I'll send you my simple sales page template.

Writing sales pages can be such a pain in the bum! But I’ll make the process as smooth as possible with my Simple Sales Page Template taking you through how to fill it out and a feedback video on your first draft if you submit it to me within 2 weeks of our last call together.

This Intensive is for you if...

The investment for the sigh-inducing relief of knowing how to position an sell your service is only £995.
(Payment plans are available)

Here's how it works:

We'll be working together on a 1:1 basis over the course of about 6 weeks.

  • Personalised pre-call questionnaire so we can hit the ground running
  • 3 X 1 hour 1:1 calls on Zoom. It usually works best if these are taken two weeks apart.
  • Plus my simple sales page template. 

Plus: I’ll give you video feedback on your first draft sales page if you submit it to me within 2 weeks of our last call together.

More About Me

I have a business degree and a post graduate diploma from the Chartered Institute of Marketing. Most of my 20 year career was spent working for big brands like EE, Orange and Europcar. My final role was Senior Propositions Manager- in other words, packaging up services. Fancy that!

I loved the hustle and bustle of those big companies but I find it so much more rewarding working with small businesses. Not having to do a 3 hour round trip commute helps too. 😉