Coach-shaped-person loving your high-touch services?

Then you're in the right place!

This 15 min free gameplan call is for coaches and consultants who want to earn more from your high-touch work without slogging your guts out.

Wondering how it all works and what’s in it for me? 

Watch this 2 min video >>>

Want to speedify your progress?

If you’re an established coach-shaped-person with:

  • A good presence on social media
  • Some manner of email list
  • And / or a thriving network of people who know who you are

Then you might be only a few steps away from massively increasing your revenue without changing your business model.

In this fast-paced 15 minute quick-fire question call we will:

  1. Identify which super non-niche will best serve you and your income goals
  2. Take a look at your offer, marketing and sales systems to see what’s working and what’s not
  3. Pinpoint the 3 most high impact actions you could take to start ramping up your revenue without sacrificing your free time
Book it in using the calendar below or to view calendar on full-page click here.